Today marks the start of Cancer season which is my star sign! YAY! You may be feeling the potency of this new moon in the complex and compassionate sign. Cancer is not only the most emotional+caring sign of the zodiac it also rules family and finances. With this lunation comes the opportunity to truly wear your heart on your sleeve, opening up to the vulnerability that comes from expressing our more sensitive selves.
Since its in my star sign and my birthday is coming up soon on July 14th i wanted to give back and offer a special gift to those of you who have never tried reiki/ intuitive reading/meditation(you can choose one of any service). Please inbox me for appointment and be ready to discover how you can harness the deep physical +emotional healing power of this newmoon=D
p.s. To claim your gift just inbox me what session you would like and put the subject as Birthday Gift. Offers end on 31st July 2017. You can use your gift within 30 days since you first contacted me =)
Much love light and gratitude