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Benefits From Learning To Trust Your Intuition
Are you looking to enhance your intuition and gain practical tools for personal growth and self-discovery? In this 3 hours small private...

4 Pillars to Re-Parent Your Inner Child Becoming Your Own Inner Wise Parent
SelF Care Every morning when you wake up pause and ask yourself, “What can I do for myself?” Few things you can do is couple of minutes...

What's Your Attachment Style?
Anxious attachment Anxious attachment style is characterized by feeling insecure in a close relationship There can be a chronic fear of...

What is Reiki & Can Energy Healing Help You? What Happens During a Reiki Session? Why learn it ?
Reiki is a holistic energy treatment modality that is becoming more and more popular in and out of the medical field. The term “Reiki” is...

9 Ways to Reflect on Your Accomplishments & Set Smart Targets for the New Year
1. Use the Right Questions as Journal Prompts Writing is therapeutic on many levels. It helps you let go. It helps you understand...

Get Rid of Negative Thought and Energy Once and For All
Why Does Negative Energy Matter? Emotions are distinguishing factors between humans and other creatures. We have a diverse array of...

How To Set Healthy Boundaries & Protect Your Energy
1. Set the intention to protect your energy Before you enter a room with people, set your intention to protect your energy and create...

How To Surrender Your Goals To The Universe
A surrender box is a tool to help us to let go of our burdens so the universe can take care of them for us. there are times when our...

Energy Cord Cutting: 4 Ways to claim your energy back
You are an energetic being. So when you make a connection with someone, you form an energetic bond. Often these connections, or cords,...

Cutting Energetic Cord (the reason for being stuck/ stagnant/ ill /negative patterns )
CORD CUTTING✂️Recently I have been doing alot of energetic cord cutting for clients. The beautiful thing of doing such work during a...

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