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Grow Your Blog Community
With Wix Blog, you’re not only sharing your voice with the world, you can also grow an active online community. That’s why the Wix blog...

Overcoming life challenges
Few of the main rocks in my life. When you go through the challenges in life I've learnt not to take people i love for granted. The...

The Ways We Love
On Occasion of Valentine's day i felt inspired to write this Being single or being in a relationship are both valid options for living...

3 Keys for Navigating August 2018 with Ease
With all the intense Eclipse energy and retrogrades, I want to share with you 3 keys for how you can navigate August's energies with...

Editing Your Life
You have the choice to accept your life script you've written thus far, or edit it so you can create a life that fulfills you. Our lives...

Responding to Change and Challenge In a New Way
I've noticed a theme unfolding for many now (me included) and here's what it is: How you respond to change or challenge has the...

Altars and Creating sacred space for manifestation
Creating an altar or a sacred space for me is to allow me to connect with myself. Our first moment of the day are most open and sacred it...

What to expect during Reiki?How to prepare for your Reiki session?
During an in-person reiki session, the practitioner will place their hands either on or a few inches away from the client’s body. They...

New Moon in Scorpio with reading from 19-26 November 2017
With New moon in Scorpio just like any moon its time for new beginnings as you can see the first card also is THE DREAMER willing to take...

How To Quickly And Easily Process And Heal Negative Emotions
1. Take A Deep Breath- When painful emotions arise, its easy to get swept away in the thoughts around the emotion. take a deep breath and...

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